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24 апреля 2007 в 11:03

We were unable to lock a test table on your MySQL database server. We tried locking a table with the command LOCK TABLES drupal_install_test WRITE and MySQL reported the following error: Access denied for user 'kp_551592'@'%' to database 'kp_551592_drup'.

и еще вот это если у имени пользователя убераю xxxxxx

24 апреля 2007 в 11:01

Какие поля при инсталяйии заполняються обязательно!!!
Failure to connect to your MySQL database server. MySQL reports the following message: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111.

* Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
* Are you sure that you have typed the correct database hostname?
* Are you sure that the database server is running?